
Assessments at Edify address both learning and teaching practices. Following the 3C curriculum, facilitators use a variety of assessment strategies, tools and techniques to build a detailed understanding of each learner’s development. Our facilitators assess students before, during and at the culmination of units of study, as well as at intervals throughout the year.
The innovative 3C curriculum is designed in such a way that the facilitators begin each unit of study by first understanding and acknowledging what each student brings into the classroom in terms of existing knowledge. Recording, Documenting and Reporting assessment data is done meticulously, transparently and with great attention to detail and to the individual needs of the students. Assessment data supports teachers in designing learning experiences tailored according to the needs each individual student. Specialists in the field of individual needs also track student progress and share their understanding with teachers of every subject and parents as well.
Evidence of student learning documented through portfolios, projects, tasks, assignments as well as that of progress reports, are shared with parents at regular intervals through unique programs of the 3C curriculum such as coffee mornings, parent-teacher conferences, meetings and open-house days besides student-led conferences and exhibitions. Edify strongly believes that assessments are an integral and enjoyable part of learning and is not distinct from the learning process itself.