Edify is Leading Inspiring Nurturing Empowering Young India

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Principal Speaks

The world has changed enormously since The Edify School welcomed its first students in 2012, but its mission to attract and develop exceptional students and teachers from all backgrounds to serve a meritocratic society remains as vital now as it was then. At The Edify School we take our responsibility to find what is exceptional in students very seriously. The experience that we have prepared for them here gives every student an all-round education built on a foundation of Service, Adventure, Sports, Creative Arts and Academics.

As a day school we also nurture a commitment to compassion, respect and well being that we believe is an antidote to the entitlement, anxiety and lack of connection that dominate the day-to-day lives of so many teenagers.

Our experienced and dedicated teachers work and play with our students in the beautiful atmosphere and in the region around Goa.

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